I don’t know about you, but as many victories as Democrats have seen–both at the ballot box and from the Supreme Court–and as happy as they’ve made me feel, I’m still tired. And considering most of the grassroots organizing that I do is done from my kitchen table, I feel a little lonely, too. It’s not like I’m working with co-workers. Unless you count these two.

Two cats snuggling together on a blanket

Perry Mason and Paul Newman

Fortunately for me, the women of Network NOVA are holding a Women’s Summit next month. And they’ve invited me to attend!

Just take a look at this schedule, and tell me you aren’t tempted to attend! And have you seen the workshops?! #swoon

I would love to see you at the Women’s Summit. Buy you’re ticket today. They’re a steal at twice the price. And FOMO is real, ya’ll.

It’s so important for Democrats to get together. Join us. You’ll regret it if you don’t.



Fomo is real. Join me and the women of @Network NOVA in Virginia next month. @The Chat will be there! #womensupportingwomen #womenssummit #womenssummit2023💜 @Friday Power Lunch #ww #wyt #virginia #virginiademocrats #dc #dcdemocrat #democrats #democratsoftiktok #whenwevotewewin #votingrights #ruralgroundgame

♬ Epic Inspiration – DM Production


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