My third podcast episode drops tomorrow. Here’s a sneak peek. Within a week of me deciding […]
In the moment May 19, 2011, felt like the best of times for social media, and […]
Show of hands. Who else is in her No Fucks Given Era? Looking back, it’s clear […]
I had my first midlife crisis when I was a senior at Western Illinois University. Returning […]
The cycle breaker is always seen as the trouble maker. To quote Meghan Trainor, “It’s me. […]
Who else grew up in a religious tradition that taught you to “turn the other cheek.” […]
When you were a little girl what did you want to be when you grew up? […]
I was groomed for six years by a member of the John Birch Society. Click on […]
I’m still unpacking this, but here’s my journey. White women, why aren’t you speaking up?
Has your definition of “racism” changed over the years? Mine has. It’s not enough to “not […]