One thing I’ve learned over the past year is the importance of knowing what you’re good […]
You talk on the phone with a potential client, do some research, email an outlined proposal, […]
Here are my four favorite tips that I use to motivate myself to do something I […]
I read with interest the OregonOnline article, Small Business Owners Struggle to Turn Social Media “Likes” […]
I didn’t wear white pants for years. Years. And it’s not, as you might imagine, that […]
Form letters are fine and dandy. No one knows understands the beauty of systems and automation […]
I was taken aback when my friend Jan recently explained to me that I am “the […]
One of the reasons I’ve been such a slacker blogger over the past several months is […]
It’s shocking. I know. Following my first root canal in January I told everyone I knew […]
My favorite stories were my mother's tales of her years as a novice in an Indiana convent.