Renee Spears and I at Yellowstone, 2023

Who knew the secret to figuring out what you want was to eat chocolate and do puzzles. And maybe get some acupuncture if that’s your jam.

Episode 13 of My Act Four is a conversation with my spiritual, life and business mentor, Renee Spears. She’s had a seat on my board, my “kitchen table,” for many years. 

You’re going to love it.

  • Renee reminded me of the importance of taking breaks.
  • I reminded her of the huge impact she’s had on my life.
  • She reminded me of the importance of keeping a clean, decluttered home.
  • Renee shared with me what to do when you don’t know what to do and how she figured out what to do after she sold her mortgage company.

If you’re someone who wants to live her best life and is looking for clarity, I recommend you subscribe to her weekly podcast and book a session with Renee.

The episode drops here May 8th. Subscribe if you don’t want to miss a thing.


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