People who don’t understand our landlords’ selling us our condo at well below market value don’t know that we come from a long line of magic. Beginning with our move to Oregon.

My former boss moved our family of four from Iowa City, Iowa, to Portland, Oregon, to move me here for a part-time job. He gave me three raises that year and not only did he pay for the move, but he paid for us to visit Portland ahead of time to see if we really wanted to live here. Then he put $10,000 down on the home that we bought. When we repaid him, he didn’t charge us interest, just his percentage of the increased value. He coulda made more on the stock market. 

When we decided we wanted to try living downtown we talked to a friend we knew who lived in the Pearl, because that’s where we wanted to live. Turns out she was recently separated from her husband and was temporarily renting a small condo in the same building as her soon-to-be ex. Would I like to see it? I would. And I did. And it’s the condo we live in today. Magic.

When we met the owners they told us they’d never raise the rent, and they never did. Magic. 

So when they made the offer to sell to us a couple of weeks ago, we were surprised, but not by their generosity. We’ve come to expect that from them and from the Universe.

So Cory’s retiring next week. And we’re buying a condo. Can you believe this shit?! All of the magic.

So the next question is this: Now that I am getting exactly what I want, what else do I want? Let the record reflect, when you’ve just gotten more than you ever could have imagined it’s hard to think bigger. Ironic. Right? Because this kind of magic happens to us all of the time.

It feels like we’re at base camp climbing Everest. We need to get acclimated, before ascending higher.

What does that look like? How does one get acclimated and think bigger? I’ll talk about that on tomorrow’s podcast. Join me.


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